About me

  • Study cosmology and the early Universe
  • Specialized in topological defects, first order phase transitions and primordial black-holes
  • Passionate about computer sciences
  • Grew up in the Alps, loves hiking and rock climbing.
  • Member of the Virgo collaboration and LISA consortium

Blog posts

Publication list

Colpi, Monica et al.

First released on 12 February 2024

astro-ph.CO astro-ph.GA astro-ph.HE astro-ph.IM astro-ph.SR gr-qc

10 last citations

Hierarchical Bayesian inference on an analytical model of the LISA massive black hole binary population

Langen, Vivienne; Tamanini, Nicola; Marsat, Sylvain; Bortolas, Elisa.

Testing No slip model with pulsar timing arrays: NANOGrav and IPTA

Davari, Mohammadreza; Allahyari, Alireza; Khosravi, Shahram.

Using deep learning to denoise and detect gravitational waves

Ma, CunLiang; Li, ShuoQiu; Cao, Zhoujian; Jia, Mingzhen.

A Double-Sine-Gordon Early Universe

Afshar, Behnoush; Peyravi, Marziyeh; Bamba, Kazuharu; Moradpour, Hooman.

Memory burden effect mimics reheating signatures on SGWB from ultra-low mass PBH domination

Bhaumik, Nilanjandev; Haque, Md Riajul; Jain, Rajeev Kumar; Lewicki, Marek.

Seminars and conferences

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Conference on the subject :
Stochastic gravitational wave detection: a year after

University of Manchester
Workshop on the subject :
Gravitational wave observations with PTA and cosmic strings

ENS Lyon
Seminar on the subject :
Spatial Curvature from Super-Hubble Cosmological Fluctuations

CP3, UCLouvain
Seminar on the subject :
Gravitational Wave observations with PTA, can cosmic strings explain the signal?

LUPM, Montpellier
Seminar on the subject :
Gravitational Wave observations with PTA, can cosmic strings explain the signal?

DAMTP, Cambridge
Seminar on the subject :
Gravitational Wave observations with PTA, can cosmic strings explain the signal?

Talk on the subject :
Spatial Curvature from Super-Hubble Cosmological Fluctuations

Institute of Basic Sciences
Talk on the subject :
Gravitational wave observations with PTA and loop fragmentation

Université Libre de Bruxelles
Talk on the subject :
Gravitational wave observations with PTA

Seminar on the subject :
Sub- and super-Hubble fluctuations from cosmic inflation

ENS - Graces
Seminar on the subject :
Slow-roll inflation at N3LO

IAP - Greco
Seminar on the subject :
Slow-roll inflation at N3LO

Poster on the subject :
Generation of gravitational waves from freely decaying turbulence

University of Glasgow
Pre-recorded talk on the subject :
Generation of gravitational waves from freely decaying turbulence

King's College London
Talk on the subject :
Generation of gravitational waves from freely decaying turbulence

Université Libre de Bruxelles
Online presentation on the subject :
Primordial black holes from metric preheating: mass fraction in the excursion-set approach

Université Catholique de Louvain
Seminar on the subject :
Population of cosmic strings and gravitational waves

Laboratoire APC
PhD defense on the subject :
Primordial cosmology and gravitational waves: from phase transitions to cosmic strings and primordial black holes

LVK collaboration
Webinar on the subject :
Listening for signals from the distant Universe

Laboratoire APC, groupe théorie
Online seminar on the subject :
Primordial black holes from metric preheating: mass fraction in the excursion-set approach

Department of Theoretical Physics, UPV/EHU, Bilbao
Online seminar on the subject :
Primordial black holes from metric preheating: mass fraction in the excursion-set approach

Instituto de Física Teórica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Online seminar on the subject :
Primordial black holes from metric preheating: mass fraction in the excursion-set approach

Institut de FIsica Corpuscular
Online seminar on the subject :
Constraints on cosmic strings from gravitational waves, diffuse gamma-ray background and dark matter

Theoretical Particle Physics & Cosmology group at King's College London
Online seminar on the subject :
Constraints on cosmic strings from gravitational waves, diffuse gamma-ray background and dark matter

Institute of Cosmology & Gravitation, University of Portsmouth
Online seminar on the subject :
Constraints on cosmic strings from gravitational waves, diffuse gamma-ray background and dark matter

University of Oxford
Online presentation on the subject :

Zooming in on Strings and Vortons, CERN
Online presentation on the subject :
Irreducible cosmic production of relic vortons

DESY, University of Hamburg
Online seminar on the subject :
Constraints on cosmic strings from gravitational waves, diffuse gamma-ray background and dark matter

Troisième AG du groupe de recherche Ondes Gravitationnelles
Online presentation on the subject :
Cordes cosmiques, ondes gravitationnelles et abondance des vortons

Theoretical subatomic physics and cosmology, University of Stavanger
Online seminar on the subject :
Constraints on cosmic strings from gravitational waves, diffuse gamma-ray background and dark matter

Particle Cosmology and Quantum Gravity groups, University of Nottingham
Online seminar on the subject :
Constraints on cosmic strings from gravitational waves, diffuse gamma-ray background and dark matter

Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Séminaire du GReCO
Seminar on the subject :
Probing cosmic string networks with gravitational waves

Laboratoire APC, groupe théorie
Seminar on the subject :
Probing cosmic string networks with gravitational waves

3rd Paris Primordial Cosmology Meetings
Talk on the subject :
Particle emission and gravitational radiation from cosmic strings: observational constraints

Deuxième Assemblée Générale du GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles
Talk on the subject :
Latest observational signatures of cosmic strings: gravitational waves and particle emission

Workshop: Gravitational Waves from the Early Universe, Nordita
Talk on the subject :
Latest observational signatures of cosmic strings: gravitational waves and particle emission

University of Helsinki
Seminar on the subject :
Cosmic strings and gravitational waves

PhD Student Conference organized by the STEP'UP doctoral school
Poster on the subject :
Gravitational waves from cosmic strings : relics of the early Universe

6th LISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, Institute of Theoretical Physics (IFT) in Madrid
Talk on the subject :
Results from the LISA cosmic string working group: Constraints on the string tension from stochastic GW background