Pierre Auclair PhD
Post-doctoral Research Associate at CURL, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgique
Auclair, Pierre et al.
First released on 11 April 2022
Antoniadis, J. et al.
First released on 28 June 2023
Auclair, Pierre et al.
First released on 02 September 2019
Abbott, R. et al.
First released on 28 January 2021
Sedda, Manuel Arca et al.
First released on 29 August 2019
Colpi, Monica et al.
First released on 12 February 2024
Auclair, Pierre et al.
First released on 27 November 2019
Auclair, Pierre et al.
First released on 05 May 2022
Auclair, Pierre et al.
First released on 11 November 2020
Auclair, Pierre et al.
First released on 15 March 2019
Quelquejay Leclere, Hippolyte et al.
First released on 21 June 2023
Sedda, Manuel Arca et al.
First released on 29 April 2021
Auclair, Pierre et al.
First released on 07 July 2022
Auclair, Pierre et al.
First released on 09 October 2020
Auclair, Pierre et al.
First released on 21 December 2021
Auclair, Pierre et al.
First released on 25 May 2022
Auclair, Pierre G.
First released on 01 September 2020
Auclair, Pierre et al.
First released on 19 May 2023
Auclair, Pierre et al.
First released on 14 June 2023
Auclair, Pierre et al.
First released on 20 June 2024
Auclair, Pierre et al.
First released on 01 February 2024
Blachier, Baptiste et al.
First released on 28 February 2023
Auclair, Pierre
First released on 09 July 2021
Auclair, Pierre
First released on 14 November 2022
Charting the Nanohertz Gravitational Wave Sky with Pulsar Timing Arrays
Bernardo, Reginald Christian; Ng, Kin-Wang.
Induced Gravitational Waves probing Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter with Memory Burden
Kohri, Kazunori; Terada, Takahiro; Yanagida, Tsutomu T..
Self-consistent prediction of gravitational waves from cosmological phase transitions
Wang, Xiao; Tian, Chi; Balázs, Csaba.
Langen, Vivienne; Tamanini, Nicola; Marsat, Sylvain; Bortolas, Elisa.
QCD-sourced tachyonic phase transition in a supercooled Universe
Schmitt, Daniel; Sagunski, Laura.
Testing No slip model with pulsar timing arrays: NANOGrav and IPTA
Davari, Mohammadreza; Allahyari, Alireza; Khosravi, Shahram.
Use Model Averaging instead of Model Selection in Pulsar Timing
van Haasteren, Rutger.
Using deep learning to denoise and detect gravitational waves
Ma, CunLiang; Li, ShuoQiu; Cao, Zhoujian; Jia, Mingzhen.
A Double-Sine-Gordon Early Universe
Afshar, Behnoush; Peyravi, Marziyeh; Bamba, Kazuharu; Moradpour, Hooman.
Memory burden effect mimics reheating signatures on SGWB from ultra-low mass PBH domination
Bhaumik, Nilanjandev; Haque, Md Riajul; Jain, Rajeev Kumar; Lewicki, Marek.
Conference on the subject :
Stochastic gravitational wave detection: a year after
University of Manchester
Workshop on the subject :
Gravitational wave observations with PTA and cosmic strings
ENS Lyon
Seminar on the subject :
Spatial Curvature from Super-Hubble Cosmological Fluctuations
CP3, UCLouvain
Seminar on the subject :
Gravitational Wave observations with PTA, can cosmic strings explain the signal?
LUPM, Montpellier
Seminar on the subject :
Gravitational Wave observations with PTA, can cosmic strings explain the signal?
DAMTP, Cambridge
Seminar on the subject :
Gravitational Wave observations with PTA, can cosmic strings explain the signal?
Talk on the subject :
Spatial Curvature from Super-Hubble Cosmological Fluctuations
Institute of Basic Sciences
Talk on the subject :
Gravitational wave observations with PTA and loop fragmentation
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Talk on the subject :
Gravitational wave observations with PTA
Seminar on the subject :
Sub- and super-Hubble fluctuations from cosmic inflation
ENS - Graces
Seminar on the subject :
Slow-roll inflation at N3LO
IAP - Greco
Seminar on the subject :
Slow-roll inflation at N3LO
Poster on the subject :
Generation of gravitational waves from freely decaying turbulence
University of Glasgow
Pre-recorded talk on the subject :
Generation of gravitational waves from freely decaying turbulence
King's College London
Talk on the subject :
Generation of gravitational waves from freely decaying turbulence
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Online presentation on the subject :
Primordial black holes from metric preheating: mass fraction in the excursion-set approach
Université Catholique de Louvain
Seminar on the subject :
Population of cosmic strings and gravitational waves
Laboratoire APC
PhD defense on the subject :
Primordial cosmology and gravitational waves: from phase transitions to cosmic strings and primordial black holes
LVK collaboration
Webinar on the subject :
Listening for signals from the distant Universe
Laboratoire APC, groupe théorie
Online seminar on the subject :
Primordial black holes from metric preheating: mass fraction in the excursion-set approach
Department of Theoretical Physics, UPV/EHU, Bilbao
Online seminar on the subject :
Primordial black holes from metric preheating: mass fraction in the excursion-set approach
Instituto de Física Teórica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Online seminar on the subject :
Primordial black holes from metric preheating: mass fraction in the excursion-set approach
Institut de FIsica Corpuscular
Online seminar on the subject :
Constraints on cosmic strings from gravitational waves, diffuse gamma-ray background and dark matter
Theoretical Particle Physics & Cosmology group at King's College London
Online seminar on the subject :
Constraints on cosmic strings from gravitational waves, diffuse gamma-ray background and dark matter
Institute of Cosmology & Gravitation, University of Portsmouth
Online seminar on the subject :
Constraints on cosmic strings from gravitational waves, diffuse gamma-ray background and dark matter
University of Oxford
Online presentation on the subject :
Zooming in on Strings and Vortons, CERN
Online presentation on the subject :
Irreducible cosmic production of relic vortons
DESY, University of Hamburg
Online seminar on the subject :
Constraints on cosmic strings from gravitational waves, diffuse gamma-ray background and dark matter
Troisième AG du groupe de recherche Ondes Gravitationnelles
Online presentation on the subject :
Cordes cosmiques, ondes gravitationnelles et abondance des vortons
Theoretical subatomic physics and cosmology, University of Stavanger
Online seminar on the subject :
Constraints on cosmic strings from gravitational waves, diffuse gamma-ray background and dark matter
Particle Cosmology and Quantum Gravity groups, University of Nottingham
Online seminar on the subject :
Constraints on cosmic strings from gravitational waves, diffuse gamma-ray background and dark matter
Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Séminaire du GReCO
Seminar on the subject :
Probing cosmic string networks with gravitational waves
Laboratoire APC, groupe théorie
Seminar on the subject :
Probing cosmic string networks with gravitational waves
3rd Paris Primordial Cosmology Meetings
Talk on the subject :
Particle emission and gravitational radiation from cosmic strings: observational constraints
Deuxième Assemblée Générale du GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles
Talk on the subject :
Latest observational signatures of cosmic strings: gravitational waves and particle emission
Workshop: Gravitational Waves from the Early Universe, Nordita
Talk on the subject :
Latest observational signatures of cosmic strings: gravitational waves and particle emission
University of Helsinki
Seminar on the subject :
Cosmic strings and gravitational waves
PhD Student Conference organized by the STEP'UP doctoral school
Poster on the subject :
Gravitational waves from cosmic strings : relics of the early Universe
6th LISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, Institute of Theoretical Physics (IFT) in Madrid
Talk on the subject :
Results from the LISA cosmic string working group: Constraints on the string tension from stochastic GW background